“People need to pray for Leah’s safety,” Johnson said. And “that the government would have some breakthrough in finding her, or decide to pay a ransom.”
“People need to pray for Leah’s safety,” Johnson said. And “that the government would have some breakthrough in finding her, or decide to pay a ransom.”
God doesn't promise that we'll be spared the storm. But when the storm hits, it doesn't have to knock us down.
On Reading Well “couldn’t have been more timely than in an age when I think most of us are growing weary of the hot takes, quick takes, and cheap shots that dominate the news and our social media,” Prior says.
You'll laugh and cry at the riotous anecdotes and poignant reflections in Jennifer Fulwiler's latest book.
Pro-life college students toured the country last week advocating for Kavanaugh's confirmation to SCOTUS, even running into some counter-protesters.
I tend to compartmentalize my interactions with people. But I shouldn't.
After all the arguments have failed, there is little left but prayer. And really, it should never be our last resort.
Studies have linked social media addiction to bad sleep, relationship problems, depression and perhaps even risk of suicide among kids.
God's plan can't be shaken. He has good things for us. Nothing can separate us from his love.
When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent. Proverbs 10:19
When I wrote about the trials of faithful Christians, the triteness of my own problems became apparent.
If this South Carolina congregation can forgive the man who murdered their own, can't we forgive our political foes their missteps and misunderstandings?
Christians around the world are praying for Leah, a captive of Boko Haram since February. Her family needs prayer as well.
We can advocate for good values all day long, but it’s just a show if our own lives aren’t producing the same fruit we try to sell.
I'm like the disciples on the boat. But Jesus is calling me to be more like the centurion.
Yes, abortion "benefits" men in a way — precisely because it absolves them of their responsibility to women and their own children.
An NYT article encouraged women to share their abortion stories. Tina Whittington of Students for Life agrees that post-abortive women should speak out — but for a different reason.
Liberal gals may feel they're setting high standards for potential male companions. But sadly, they're playing right into the hands of a system that hurts women.